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Open House(s) New York

Two of our projects will be included in the 12th Annual Open House New York Weekend during October 11-12, 2014. On Saturday, October 11, Principal Daniel Heuberger AIA, LEED AP will provide guided tours of the Bronx Library Center. While on Sunday October 12, our associate architect WXY Architecture + Urban Design will provide tours of the Manhattan Districts 1/2/5 Sanitation Garage. Full schedules are available at the Open House New York Weekend website.
Two of our projects will be included in the 12th Annual Open House New York Weekend during October 11-12, 2014. On Saturday, October 11, Principal Daniel Heuberger AIA, LEED AP will provide guided tours of the Bronx Library Center. While on Sunday October 12, our associate architect WXY Architecture + Urban Design will provide tours of the Manhattan Districts 1/2/5 Sanitation Garage. Full schedules are available at the Open House New York Weekend website.

42nd Annual NOMA Conference

Join us on Saturday October 4 from 10:45- 12:15 at the National Organization of Minority Architects 42nd Annual Conference in Philadelphia. Venesa Alicea AIA, LEED AP BD+C will present Via Verde in a session titled “A Tale of Two Cities: Via Verde and Paseo Verde as Affordable Housing Models.” NOMA increases the level of participation in the social, political and economic benefits afforded the citizens to make full participation attainable. Chapters give members a base from which to be involved in politics, to visit schools and reach out to children, to conduct community and civic forums and to responsibly practice in our professional capacities.
Join us on Saturday October 4 from 10:45- 12:15 at the National Organization of Minority Architects 42nd Annual Conference in Philadelphia. Venesa Alicea AIA, LEED AP BD+C will present Via Verde in a session titled “A Tale of Two Cities: Via Verde and Paseo Verde as Affordable Housing Models.” NOMA increases the level of participation in the social, political and economic benefits afforded the citizens to make full participation attainable. Chapters give members a base from which to be involved in politics, to visit schools and reach out to children, to conduct community and civic forums and to responsibly practice in our professional capacities.

What's The Big Idea?!

This year’s Society for Marketing Professional Service THE Marketing Event, “Big Ideas,” reflects on lessons learned and success gained by SMPS past leaders while charting a course for the future of A/E/C marketing. Join our own Kirsten Sibilia Assoc. AIA, LEED AP during the first breakout session, “Marketer as Change Agent,” on November 7 at 10:30 at the CUNY Graduate Center. The panel will discuss the marketer’s role in changing corporate culture, service offering, firm identity and brand.
This year’s Society for Marketing Professional Service THE Marketing Event, “Big Ideas,” reflects on lessons learned and success gained by SMPS past leaders while charting a course for the future of A/E/C marketing. Join our own Kirsten Sibilia Assoc. AIA, LEED AP during the first breakout session, “Marketer as Change Agent,” on November 7 at 10:30 at the CUNY Graduate Center. The panel will discuss the marketer’s role in changing corporate culture, service offering, firm identity and brand.

Active Campus

The Center for Active Design recently featured New Settlement Community Center, a new Pre-K through 12th grade school and community center in the Bronx, as one of their case studies. Some of the campus’ active design features include indoor and outdoor learning spaces and activity hubs, a healthy food program, stairwells with windows to admit natural light. Natural light is a way of turning any drab space into a space of activity. A unique feature of the building is its dual program of community center and school allows both programs to take advantage of shared spaces such as a pool, gymnasium, roof top garden, and outdoor amphitheater. Read more about the case study at the Center for Active Design website.
The Center for Active Design recently featured New Settlement Community Center, a new Pre-K through 12th grade school and community center in the Bronx, as one of their case studies. Some of the campus’ active design features include indoor and outdoor learning spaces and activity hubs, a healthy food program, stairwells with windows to admit natural light. Natural light is a way of turning any drab space into a space of activity. A unique feature of the building is its dual program of community center and school allows both programs to take advantage of shared spaces such as a pool, gymnasium, roof top garden, and outdoor amphitheater. Read more about the case study at the Center for Active Design website.

In the 50

Architect magazine has released its Top 50 lists, and Dattner Architects is proud to be included in the Top 50 Design category. Compiled by an independent jury reviewing recent design portfolios as well as awards received and even the number of licensed architects in each firm, the national list includes architecture firms of varying sizes practicing in different markets. We are pleased to be one of a handful of New York City firms included.    
Architect magazine has released its Top 50 lists, and Dattner Architects is proud to be included in the Top 50 Design category. Compiled by an independent jury reviewing recent design portfolios as well as awards received and even the number of licensed architects in each firm, the national list includes architecture firms of varying sizes practicing in different markets. We are pleased to be one of a handful of New York City firms included.    

Going to Dallas

The Rory Meyers Children's Adventure Garden is listed in National Geographic Channel’s Smart Cities programs. Ian MacFarlane, consultant for the program, identifies a smart city as having “heart and soul—typically the center, where people congregate for work and leisure. Smart cities are well-connected locally and internationally, have a sustainable lifestyle, and are places where people come first.” With over 150 exhibits aimed at school-aged children, 8 acres of nature and varying topography in a large urban and flat city, we certainly view the project as a smart component of the city.  
The Rory Meyers Children's Adventure Garden is listed in National Geographic Channel’s Smart Cities programs. Ian MacFarlane, consultant for the program, identifies a smart city as having “heart and soul—typically the center, where people congregate for work and leisure. Smart cities are well-connected locally and internationally, have a sustainable lifestyle, and are places where people come first.” With over 150 exhibits aimed at school-aged children, 8 acres of nature and varying topography in a large urban and flat city, we certainly view the project as a smart component of the city.  
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Green for Gold

GreenSource, The Magazine of Sustainable Design has picked up Via Verde for "Going the Green Way" in its project section. The article describes the background of the site, the competition, and its opening before launching into the sustainable and community building measures for which the building has become so well-known. While mentioning the green roof, the article focuses on the photovoltaic systems and energy consumption.
GreenSource, The Magazine of Sustainable Design has picked up Via Verde for "Going the Green Way" in its project section. The article describes the background of the site, the competition, and its opening before launching into the sustainable and community building measures for which the building has become so well-known. While mentioning the green roof, the article focuses on the photovoltaic systems and energy consumption.
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Fleet Gets a Facade

Dattner Architects’ 13-story residential building at 81 Fleet Place, known as The Giovanni, is under construction. Red Apple Group’s new housing development, which will contain 200 apartments—20% of which will be affordable—is located in Brooklyn’s Fort Greene neighborhood, an area which describes as being in “particular need of density and some semblance of urbanity.” The development will increase pedestrian connectivity and provide 10,000 square feet of retail space.
Dattner Architects’ 13-story residential building at 81 Fleet Place, known as The Giovanni, is under construction. Red Apple Group’s new housing development, which will contain 200 apartments—20% of which will be affordable—is located in Brooklyn’s Fort Greene neighborhood, an area which describes as being in “particular need of density and some semblance of urbanity.” The development will increase pedestrian connectivity and provide 10,000 square feet of retail space.

Water Works in the Garden

The Dallas Arboretum plays an increasingly important role as an educational facility for Dallas-area schoolchildren and the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden plays a large role in that. In addition to 8-acres of landscaped foliage and the 10,000 square foot Discovery Center, the project includes a number of water features. A recent article at explores the multiple facets of the outdoor experience.
The Dallas Arboretum plays an increasingly important role as an educational facility for Dallas-area schoolchildren and the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden plays a large role in that. In addition to 8-acres of landscaped foliage and the 10,000 square foot Discovery Center, the project includes a number of water features. A recent article at explores the multiple facets of the outdoor experience.
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Redeveloping White Plains

The city of White Plains is redeveloping its housing stock. Jonathan Rose Companies is incrementally renewing Winbrook Campus into Brookfield Commons. The Dattner Architects-designed "The Prelude," as the name implies, is the first of several new towers to come. This first phase includes 104 units and a community center. The building, which broke ground earlier this year, is expected to open next year. New York YIMBY covers the story in their Revealed column.
The city of White Plains is redeveloping its housing stock. Jonathan Rose Companies is incrementally renewing Winbrook Campus into Brookfield Commons. The Dattner Architects-designed "The Prelude," as the name implies, is the first of several new towers to come. This first phase includes 104 units and a community center. The building, which broke ground earlier this year, is expected to open next year. New York YIMBY covers the story in their Revealed column.

Metal Garden

Winding its way through the arboretum, the 200-foot-long steel-structured Skywalk provides a bird's-eye view of the treetops and the lush under foliage. Learn more about the use of steel in this component of our project for the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden at the Dallas Arboretum. Principal Beth Greenberg AIA recently penned an article about her project for Metal Architecture magazine.
Winding its way through the arboretum, the 200-foot-long steel-structured Skywalk provides a bird's-eye view of the treetops and the lush under foliage. Learn more about the use of steel in this component of our project for the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden at the Dallas Arboretum. Principal Beth Greenberg AIA recently penned an article about her project for Metal Architecture magazine.
Kirsten Sibilia CMO

Communicating Vision

Kirsten Sibilia Assoc. AIA, LEED AP appears as a guest contributor this month on "Design on the Haus" with an article about communicating a firm's mission and vision. The article is part of a series highlighting topics presented at the SMPS Regional Conference in Atlantic City.  
Kirsten Sibilia Assoc. AIA, LEED AP appears as a guest contributor this month on "Design on the Haus" with an article about communicating a firm's mission and vision. The article is part of a series highlighting topics presented at the SMPS Regional Conference in Atlantic City.  

Crains Top 25


10 Stories, 1 Review

Richard Dattner FAIA reviewed "10 Stories of Collective Housing" by A+T Research Group for Architectural Record this month. The authors, also the publishers, are a Spanish collective that traced the development of ten collective housing projects from 1919 to the 1970s. Richard describes the books as "a superlative example of how well-organized and stunning graphics can allow for comparisons between projects; and a manifesto for promoting humane high-density living." Not only do the authors draw each project, they analyze the political and socio-economic advantages and liabilities.
Richard Dattner FAIA reviewed "10 Stories of Collective Housing" by A+T Research Group for Architectural Record this month. The authors, also the publishers, are a Spanish collective that traced the development of ten collective housing projects from 1919 to the 1970s. Richard describes the books as "a superlative example of how well-organized and stunning graphics can allow for comparisons between projects; and a manifesto for promoting humane high-density living." Not only do the authors draw each project, they analyze the political and socio-economic advantages and liabilities.

Psyched about Housing!

Dattner Architects' design for Camba Gardens II has been profiled in the Wall Street Journal and Curbed. 293 affordable and supportive housing units will occupy the site of the former psych ward at Kings County Hospital Center. The new building will join Camba Gardens I, which opened in October 2013. The 257,000 square foot building will be sustainable and include a number of amenities. Camba Gardens II will open in 2016.
Dattner Architects' design for Camba Gardens II has been profiled in the Wall Street Journal and Curbed. 293 affordable and supportive housing units will occupy the site of the former psych ward at Kings County Hospital Center. The new building will join Camba Gardens I, which opened in October 2013. The 257,000 square foot building will be sustainable and include a number of amenities. Camba Gardens II will open in 2016.
Iris Cantor Men’s Health Center

New Trend in Outpatient Care

The New York Times' article "With Special Clinics, Hospitals Vie for Hesitant Patients: Men" features the Iris Cantor Men's Health Center we designed at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell. Cited a part of a growing trend, the Iris Cantor Men's Health Center focuses on two key related outpatient practices: Urology and Internal Medicine. 
The New York Times' article "With Special Clinics, Hospitals Vie for Hesitant Patients: Men" features the Iris Cantor Men's Health Center we designed at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell. Cited a part of a growing trend, the Iris Cantor Men's Health Center focuses on two key related outpatient practices: Urology and Internal Medicine. 

From Russia with...

We are pleased to have been included in this year's Moscow Architecture Biennale! Via Verde was included in the curatorial projects exhibition "New York: Grid City." The five day extravaganza closed on May 25.
We are pleased to have been included in this year's Moscow Architecture Biennale! Via Verde was included in the curatorial projects exhibition "New York: Grid City." The five day extravaganza closed on May 25.

Restoring and Rebuilding NYCHA

John Woelfling AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Principal will present our work on Prospect Plaza at the Forum + Institute for Urban Design on May 29. The roundtable on Urban Design, Planning & Preservation will explore the theme "Restoring and Rebuilding NYCHA." John will present Dattner Achitects' vision for the site and discuss how the project strategies could be replicated. The multi-phase Prospect Plaza will provide over 350 units of NYCHA and low-income housing.
John Woelfling AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Principal will present our work on Prospect Plaza at the Forum + Institute for Urban Design on May 29. The roundtable on Urban Design, Planning & Preservation will explore the theme "Restoring and Rebuilding NYCHA." John will present Dattner Achitects' vision for the site and discuss how the project strategies could be replicated. The multi-phase Prospect Plaza will provide over 350 units of NYCHA and low-income housing.

2014 Building Brooklyn Award

Coney Island Commons has won the 2014 Building Brooklyn Award for Community Development. Each year the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce and its Real Estate & Development Committee recognize recently completed projects and people that enrich Brooklyn’s neighborhoods and economy. and its Real Estate & Development Committee present Building Brooklyn Awards™, an annual event that recognizes recently completed new and renovation construction projects that enrich Brooklyn’s neighborhoods and economy. Building Brooklyn Awards (BBA) also honors individuals who have made significant contributions toward enhancing the business conditions and economic climate of Brooklyn. - See more at: http://nas/content/live/
Coney Island Commons has won the 2014 Building Brooklyn Award for Community Development. Each year the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce and its Real Estate & Development Committee recognize recently completed projects and people that enrich Brooklyn’s neighborhoods and economy. and its Real Estate & Development Committee present Building Brooklyn Awards™, an annual event that recognizes recently completed new and renovation construction projects that enrich Brooklyn’s neighborhoods and economy. Building Brooklyn Awards (BBA) also honors individuals who have made significant contributions toward enhancing the business conditions and economic climate of Brooklyn. - See more at: http://nas/content/live/

Accessing Affordable Housing

The New York State Association for Affordable Housing (NYSAFAH) will host its annual New York City Conference on May 13 - 14. Principal William Stein FAIA will join the panel "Accessibility - Fair Housing / New York City Building Code / UFAS" at 2PM on Tuesday May 13, 2014. Peter Stratton of Steven Winter Associates, Mark Zimet of Dunn Development, and John Gearrity from NYC HPD will join the session moderated by Mark Ginsberg, FAIA, LEED AP.
The New York State Association for Affordable Housing (NYSAFAH) will host its annual New York City Conference on May 13 - 14. Principal William Stein FAIA will join the panel "Accessibility - Fair Housing / New York City Building Code / UFAS" at 2PM on Tuesday May 13, 2014. Peter Stratton of Steven Winter Associates, Mark Zimet of Dunn Development, and John Gearrity from NYC HPD will join the session moderated by Mark Ginsberg, FAIA, LEED AP.

Introducing the Prelude

The White Plains Housing Authority and Jonathan Rose Companies celebrated the groundbreaking of the first building of the Brookfield Commons development, The Prelude. Located in downtown White Plains, the Dattner Architects-designed Prelude is the first phase of the long-term neighborhood-wide transformation and comprehensive revitalization of the White Plains Housing Authority's Winbrook campus. The 450-unit campus is typical of 1940s era public housing and faces the challenges posed by aging housing stock. The Prelude includes 104 affordable housing units and a community facility that provides onsite support services and programs to promote the economic empowerment, self-sufficiency and financial independence of the community. It is a model project for the redevelopment of a housing authority campus, and is particularly important for the City of White Plains and Westchester County, as it presents a mixed-use and mixed-income community in an area where many have found it challenging to develop quality affordable housing.
The White Plains Housing Authority and Jonathan Rose Companies celebrated the groundbreaking of the first building of the Brookfield Commons development, The Prelude. Located in downtown White Plains, the Dattner Architects-designed Prelude is the first phase of the long-term neighborhood-wide transformation and comprehensive revitalization of the White Plains Housing Authority's Winbrook campus. The 450-unit campus is typical of 1940s era public housing and faces the challenges posed by aging housing stock. The Prelude includes 104 affordable housing units and a community facility that provides onsite support services and programs to promote the economic empowerment, self-sufficiency and financial independence of the community. It is a model project for the redevelopment of a housing authority campus, and is particularly important for the City of White Plains and Westchester County, as it presents a mixed-use and mixed-income community in an area where many have found it challenging to develop quality affordable housing.
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Via Verde for the Third Age

Via Verde has been included in the March-April issue of Architectural Design. While focusing on aging populations, the issue addresses larger issues of the design of housing and other built provisions to accommodate an ever-expanding aging population, creating sustainable cities for the changing profile of the population, reducing models of dependency for care and transport while creating opportunities for recreation, leisure and work.
Via Verde has been included in the March-April issue of Architectural Design. While focusing on aging populations, the issue addresses larger issues of the design of housing and other built provisions to accommodate an ever-expanding aging population, creating sustainable cities for the changing profile of the population, reducing models of dependency for care and transport while creating opportunities for recreation, leisure and work.

Urgent Care!

Congratulations to our team on the ribbon cutting of the new state-of-the-art Urgent Care Center at Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center. The facility, funded by a HEAL grant from the New York State, is expected to treat 18,000 to 20,000 patients annually for non-emergency medical needs, such as flu and cold, chest or muscle pain, infection or broken bones. Our design for the 8,500 sf facility includes 12 exam rooms, radiology, and a pharmacy.  
Congratulations to our team on the ribbon cutting of the new state-of-the-art Urgent Care Center at Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center. The facility, funded by a HEAL grant from the New York State, is expected to treat 18,000 to 20,000 patients annually for non-emergency medical needs, such as flu and cold, chest or muscle pain, infection or broken bones. Our design for the 8,500 sf facility includes 12 exam rooms, radiology, and a pharmacy.  
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Washington Heights Library Reopens

New York Times’ reporter David W. Dunlap visited the neighborhood branch in advance of its opening and recaps its history. Washington Heights Library at 1000 St. Nicholas Avenue and West 160th Street reopens March 3rd after a four-year renovation that makes the building accessible (including a newly inserted elevator), updates building systems, incorporates technology in a fresh, modern setting.  New York Public Library is celebrating re-opening day with free programming from 11 a.m. - 7 pm.
New York Times’ reporter David W. Dunlap visited the neighborhood branch in advance of its opening and recaps its history. Washington Heights Library at 1000 St. Nicholas Avenue and West 160th Street reopens March 3rd after a four-year renovation that makes the building accessible (including a newly inserted elevator), updates building systems, incorporates technology in a fresh, modern setting.  New York Public Library is celebrating re-opening day with free programming from 11 a.m. - 7 pm.

Communications ÜBER Alles

Expectations for Communications are growing annually within AEC firms. In addition to more traditional marketing communications such as newsletters, communications increasingly includes media relations, social media, blogs, and internal communications. However, blogs, tweets, posts, and pitches must be content-driven and tailored to the intended audience. How is the best way to manage this for your firm? How do you have time to do it?  What can or should you outsource? Join our own Kirsten Sibilia and three other distinguished panelists for a conversation on May 1 at this year's SMPS ÜBER Conference in Atlantic City, NJ. These industry leaders bring a variety of perspectives: an in-house Communications Director leads a dedicated team for a mid-size firm with an international practice; a Marketing Principal of a small firm who juggles doing business development, marketing, and communications with a small team; a Communications Consultant who works with small, medium and large firms who outsource their needs; and the Editor of a leading design magazine who is on the receiving end of our pitches and tweets – and also generating his own.
Expectations for Communications are growing annually within AEC firms. In addition to more traditional marketing communications such as newsletters, communications increasingly includes media relations, social media, blogs, and internal communications. However, blogs, tweets, posts, and pitches must be content-driven and tailored to the intended audience. How is the best way to manage this for your firm? How do you have time to do it?  What can or should you outsource? Join our own Kirsten Sibilia and three other distinguished panelists for a conversation on May 1 at this year's SMPS ÜBER Conference in Atlantic City, NJ. These industry leaders bring a variety of perspectives: an in-house Communications Director leads a dedicated team for a mid-size firm with an international practice; a Marketing Principal of a small firm who juggles doing business development, marketing, and communications with a small team; a Communications Consultant who works with small, medium and large firms who outsource their needs; and the Editor of a leading design magazine who is on the receiving end of our pitches and tweets – and also generating his own.

Boston Bestows Three

Boston Society of Architects honored two of our projects in their Education Awards program. The New Settlement Community Campus, a joint project with ESKW/Architects, and the Princeton University Cordish Family Pavilion. These were recognized with citations at the annual gala, at which Via Verde, designed with Grimshaw, was honored with a John M. Clancy Award for Socially Responsible Housing. [caption id="attachment_4263" align="alignnone" width="560"] New Settlement Community Campus[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4264" align="alignnone" width="560"] Cordish Family Pavilion at Lenz Tennis Center, Princeton University[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4265" align="alignnone" width="560"] Via Verde - The Green Way[/caption]  
Boston Society of Architects honored two of our projects in their Education Awards program. The New Settlement Community Campus, a joint project with ESKW/Architects, and the Princeton University Cordish Family Pavilion. These were recognized with citations at the annual gala, at which Via Verde, designed with Grimshaw, was honored with a John M. Clancy Award for Socially Responsible Housing. [caption id="attachment_4263" align="alignnone" width="560"] New Settlement Community Campus[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4264" align="alignnone" width="560"] Cordish Family Pavilion at Lenz Tennis Center, Princeton University[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4265" align="alignnone" width="560"] Via Verde - The Green Way[/caption]  

Building the City

The Department of Design + Construction Excellence (D+CE) program has facilitated innovative architecture and infrastructure throughout the city. To honor the legacy of the program as initiated by Mayor Bloomberg and administrated by David Burney, ORO Editions has published We Build The City. The volume, on display in reception, showcases a collection of some the most notable public projects developed and built under the acclaimed D+CE program. The publication includes detailed drawings and striking imagery that reveal the complex processes that have shaped one of the most active and successful design periods in NYC’s history, including Dattner Architects projects: Wave Hill House Renovation, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manhattan Districts 1/2/5 Garage and Salt Shed, Bronx Library Center, and the New York City Center Restoration.
The Department of Design + Construction Excellence (D+CE) program has facilitated innovative architecture and infrastructure throughout the city. To honor the legacy of the program as initiated by Mayor Bloomberg and administrated by David Burney, ORO Editions has published We Build The City. The volume, on display in reception, showcases a collection of some the most notable public projects developed and built under the acclaimed D+CE program. The publication includes detailed drawings and striking imagery that reveal the complex processes that have shaped one of the most active and successful design periods in NYC’s history, including Dattner Architects projects: Wave Hill House Renovation, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manhattan Districts 1/2/5 Garage and Salt Shed, Bronx Library Center, and the New York City Center Restoration.

Appointed and Promoted

We are pleased to announce that David Levine AIA, LEED AP and Joon Cho AIA have been appointed as Associates. Kristin Nelson AIA and Sara Agrest AIA, IIDA, LEED AP have been promoted to Senior Associate, and Jing Xiang has been promoted to Controller. We thank these individuals for their demonstrated project leadership, commitment to our high standards of design and technical quality, and contributions to culture of Dattner Architects.  
We are pleased to announce that David Levine AIA, LEED AP and Joon Cho AIA have been appointed as Associates. Kristin Nelson AIA and Sara Agrest AIA, IIDA, LEED AP have been promoted to Senior Associate, and Jing Xiang has been promoted to Controller. We thank these individuals for their demonstrated project leadership, commitment to our high standards of design and technical quality, and contributions to culture of Dattner Architects.  
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A New Sense of Direction

The Compass Residences of the West Farms Development broke ground today after seven years of planning, rezoning and designing! As noted in Crain's, the rezoning was the largest private rezoning in the history of the Bronx. The first two buildings will add 237 units of affordable housing, new public spaces connecting Boone Avenue and West Farms. A total of ten buildings and 1,300 units of mixed-income housing are planned.
The Compass Residences of the West Farms Development broke ground today after seven years of planning, rezoning and designing! As noted in Crain's, the rezoning was the largest private rezoning in the history of the Bronx. The first two buildings will add 237 units of affordable housing, new public spaces connecting Boone Avenue and West Farms. A total of ten buildings and 1,300 units of mixed-income housing are planned.

Changing the Game

Susan Szenasy, editor of Metropolis, visited Via Verde during the Rudy Bruner Award ceremony and leads the January issue by citing in her opening column, titled "It Does Take a Village," the value of collaborative relationships in overcoming the odds in getting "anything worthwhile done." [caption id="attachment_4275" align="alignnone" width="560"] Via Verde - The Green Way[/caption] As a prelude to the issue's focus on game changers she mentions Jonathan Rose in particular for his involvement with Via Verde, among other projects including EyeBAM. Ian Volner's Game Changers 2014 exposé "Jonathan F.P. Rose" recounts Rose's early years and his role on Via Verde and the forthcoming EyeBAM project in Brooklyn. [caption id="attachment_4276" align="alignnone" width="560"] Brooklyn Cultural District: Apartments (formerly EyeBAM)[/caption] Of the projects' process and Via Verde in particular, Szenasy states, "Such joy can come only from overcoming odds, accomplishing something of value, being part of a larger community. The memorable design has come to symbolize all their efforts; its enduring mark is certain to be felt for generations to come."
Susan Szenasy, editor of Metropolis, visited Via Verde during the Rudy Bruner Award ceremony and leads the January issue by citing in her opening column, titled "It Does Take a Village," the value of collaborative relationships in overcoming the odds in getting "anything worthwhile done." [caption id="attachment_4275" align="alignnone" width="560"] Via Verde - The Green Way[/caption] As a prelude to the issue's focus on game changers she mentions Jonathan Rose in particular for his involvement with Via Verde, among other projects including EyeBAM. Ian Volner's Game Changers 2014 exposé "Jonathan F.P. Rose" recounts Rose's early years and his role on Via Verde and the forthcoming EyeBAM project in Brooklyn. [caption id="attachment_4276" align="alignnone" width="560"] Brooklyn Cultural District: Apartments (formerly EyeBAM)[/caption] Of the projects' process and Via Verde in particular, Szenasy states, "Such joy can come only from overcoming odds, accomplishing something of value, being part of a larger community. The memorable design has come to symbolize all their efforts; its enduring mark is certain to be felt for generations to come."
2012DS29 New Settlement Community Campus, Edelman Sultan Knox Wood Architets with Dattner Architects, Bronx NY



Ride the 7

After five years of construction, Mayor Bloomberg inaugurated the newest stretch of the Number 7 Subway Extension, running from Times Square to 10th Avenue and West 34th Street. The subway was a priority transit goal and will join Hell's Kitchen and the Hudson Yards to midtown. Although the extension will not open to the public until mid-2014, the mayor rode the 7 on Friday, December 20 as part of operations testing. Read the report in Crain's and see the even on the MTA's Flick site.
After five years of construction, Mayor Bloomberg inaugurated the newest stretch of the Number 7 Subway Extension, running from Times Square to 10th Avenue and West 34th Street. The subway was a priority transit goal and will join Hell's Kitchen and the Hudson Yards to midtown. Although the extension will not open to the public until mid-2014, the mayor rode the 7 on Friday, December 20 as part of operations testing. Read the report in Crain's and see the even on the MTA's Flick site.

Presenting PATH at PWC NJ

On Thursday, November 7 at Colonia, New Jersey, Kirsten Sibilia Assoc. AIA, LEED AP will join the New Jersey chapter of Professional Women in Construction at the "Meet the Architects & Engineers" meeting. Kirsten will present the firm's work on the replacement of the PATH Harrison station, a project instrumental in the growth of Harrison, NJ.
On Thursday, November 7 at Colonia, New Jersey, Kirsten Sibilia Assoc. AIA, LEED AP will join the New Jersey chapter of Professional Women in Construction at the "Meet the Architects & Engineers" meeting. Kirsten will present the firm's work on the replacement of the PATH Harrison station, a project instrumental in the growth of Harrison, NJ.

Building CAN Make a Difference

Another successful build! Our CANstruction Team built their design entry “CANyon: Stop Hunger Like You Give A Dam” on Halloween eve. Our team members spent the last couple of months designing the sculpture and one night building it. The exhibit is on view until November 13th at Brookfield Place, World Financial Center at 220 Vesey Street, NY, NY 10080. Our sculpture is located at the 200 Vesey Street Lobby. Got one minute? Go see it, as well as the numerous other participants' sculptures. The Winter Garden is open 10 am to 6 pm daily and all cans will be donated to City Harvest.
Another successful build! Our CANstruction Team built their design entry “CANyon: Stop Hunger Like You Give A Dam” on Halloween eve. Our team members spent the last couple of months designing the sculpture and one night building it. The exhibit is on view until November 13th at Brookfield Place, World Financial Center at 220 Vesey Street, NY, NY 10080. Our sculpture is located at the 200 Vesey Street Lobby. Got one minute? Go see it, as well as the numerous other participants' sculptures. The Winter Garden is open 10 am to 6 pm daily and all cans will be donated to City Harvest.
Kirsten Sibilia CMO

Maximizing Generational Diversity

The Society for Marketing Professional Services annual professional development symposium, "THE Marketing Event" happens on Friday, November 8. This year’s conference, “Maximizing Value,” focuses on plans that target marketing, business development, and leadership efforts. Principal Kirsten Sibilia Assoc. AIA, LEED AP will moderate Session 3.2, "Generation Matters: Leading from Where You Are".  Head over to the CUNY Graduate Center at 365 Fifth Avenue for a day of professional development and networking!
The Society for Marketing Professional Services annual professional development symposium, "THE Marketing Event" happens on Friday, November 8. This year’s conference, “Maximizing Value,” focuses on plans that target marketing, business development, and leadership efforts. Principal Kirsten Sibilia Assoc. AIA, LEED AP will moderate Session 3.2, "Generation Matters: Leading from Where You Are".  Head over to the CUNY Graduate Center at 365 Fifth Avenue for a day of professional development and networking!

Open Dattner Houses

The 11th Annual Open House New York happens the weekend of October 12 & 13, 2013. We're raring to go with three of our projects opening their doors. Bronx Library Center, Wave Hill House, and Via Verde will be open at various times during the weekend. Bronx Library Center is open to the public year round with tours provided this weekend. Wave Hill House and Via Verde will be accessible by reservation only. Check out the links for more info and the Open House New York website for info about the weekend. Enjoy!
The 11th Annual Open House New York happens the weekend of October 12 & 13, 2013. We're raring to go with three of our projects opening their doors. Bronx Library Center, Wave Hill House, and Via Verde will be open at various times during the weekend. Bronx Library Center is open to the public year round with tours provided this weekend. Wave Hill House and Via Verde will be accessible by reservation only. Check out the links for more info and the Open House New York website for info about the weekend. Enjoy!
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Underground Pictures

The annual Archtober Subway exhibition by the American Institute of Architects New York Chapter opens October 7 and runs to November 3, 2013. This year Dattner Architects was pleased to contribute images from New Settlement Community Campus and Wave Hill House. The exhibition is on view at the W. 4th Street subway station.
The annual Archtober Subway exhibition by the American Institute of Architects New York Chapter opens October 7 and runs to November 3, 2013. This year Dattner Architects was pleased to contribute images from New Settlement Community Campus and Wave Hill House. The exhibition is on view at the W. 4th Street subway station.
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Two of our projects will be included in the 12th Annual Open House New York Weekend during October 11-12, 2014. On Saturday, October 11, Principal Daniel Heuberger AIA, LEED AP will provide guided tours of the Bronx Library Center. While on Sunday October 12, our associate architect WXY Architecture + Urban Design will provide tours of the Manhattan Districts 1/2/5 Sanitation Garage. Full schedules are available at the Open House New York Weekend website.
Join us on Saturday October 4 from 10:45- 12:15 at the National Organization of Minority Architects 42nd Annual Conference in Philadelphia. Venesa Alicea AIA, LEED AP BD+C will present Via Verde in a session titled “A Tale of Two Cities: Via Verde and Paseo Verde as Affordable Housing Models.” NOMA increases the level of participation in the social, political and economic benefits afforded the citizens to make full participation attainable. Chapters give members a base from which to be involved in politics, to visit schools and reach out to children, to conduct community and civic forums and to responsibly practice in our professional capacities.
This year’s Society for Marketing Professional Service THE Marketing Event, “Big Ideas,” reflects on lessons learned and success gained by SMPS past leaders while charting a course for the future of A/E/C marketing. Join our own Kirsten Sibilia Assoc. AIA, LEED AP during the first breakout session, “Marketer as Change Agent,” on November 7 at 10:30 at the CUNY Graduate Center. The panel will discuss the marketer’s role in changing corporate culture, service offering, firm identity and brand.

Active Campus

The Center for Active Design recently featured New Settlement Community Center, a new Pre-K through 12th grade school and community center in the Bronx, as one of their case studies. Some of the campus’ active design features include indoor and outdoor learning spaces and activity hubs, a healthy food program, stairwells with windows to admit natural light. Natural light is a way of turning any drab space into a space of activity. A unique feature of the building is its dual program of community center and school allows both programs to take advantage of shared spaces such as a pool, gymnasium, roof top garden, and outdoor amphitheater. Read more about the case study at the Center for Active Design website.

In the 50

Architect magazine has released its Top 50 lists, and Dattner Architects is proud to be included in the Top 50 Design category. Compiled by an independent jury reviewing recent design portfolios as well as awards received and even the number of licensed architects in each firm, the national list includes architecture firms of varying sizes practicing in different markets. We are pleased to be one of a handful of New York City firms included.    

Going to Dallas

The Rory Meyers Children's Adventure Garden is listed in National Geographic Channel’s Smart Cities programs. Ian MacFarlane, consultant for the program, identifies a smart city as having “heart and soul—typically the center, where people congregate for work and leisure. Smart cities are well-connected locally and internationally, have a sustainable lifestyle, and are places where people come first.” With over 150 exhibits aimed at school-aged children, 8 acres of nature and varying topography in a large urban and flat city, we certainly view the project as a smart component of the city.  
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Green for Gold

GreenSource, The Magazine of Sustainable Design has picked up Via Verde for "Going the Green Way" in its project section. The article describes the background of the site, the competition, and its opening before launching into the sustainable and community building measures for which the building has become so well-known. While mentioning the green roof, the article focuses on the photovoltaic systems and energy consumption.
Dattner Architects’ 13-story residential building at 81 Fleet Place, known as The Giovanni, is under construction. Red Apple Group’s new housing development, which will contain 200 apartments—20% of which will be affordable—is located in Brooklyn’s Fort Greene neighborhood, an area which describes as being in “particular need of density and some semblance of urbanity.” The development will increase pedestrian connectivity and provide 10,000 square feet of retail space.
The Dallas Arboretum plays an increasingly important role as an educational facility for Dallas-area schoolchildren and the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden plays a large role in that. In addition to 8-acres of landscaped foliage and the 10,000 square foot Discovery Center, the project includes a number of water features. A recent article at explores the multiple facets of the outdoor experience.
The city of White Plains is redeveloping its housing stock. Jonathan Rose Companies is incrementally renewing Winbrook Campus into Brookfield Commons. The Dattner Architects-designed "The Prelude," as the name implies, is the first of several new towers to come. This first phase includes 104 units and a community center. The building, which broke ground earlier this year, is expected to open next year. New York YIMBY covers the story in their Revealed column.

Metal Garden

Winding its way through the arboretum, the 200-foot-long steel-structured Skywalk provides a bird's-eye view of the treetops and the lush under foliage. Learn more about the use of steel in this component of our project for the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden at the Dallas Arboretum. Principal Beth Greenberg AIA recently penned an article about her project for Metal Architecture magazine.
Kirsten Sibilia Assoc. AIA, LEED AP appears as a guest contributor this month on "Design on the Haus" with an article about communicating a firm's mission and vision. The article is part of a series highlighting topics presented at the SMPS Regional Conference in Atlantic City.  

Crains Top 25

Richard Dattner FAIA reviewed "10 Stories of Collective Housing" by A+T Research Group for Architectural Record this month. The authors, also the publishers, are a Spanish collective that traced the development of ten collective housing projects from 1919 to the 1970s. Richard describes the books as "a superlative example of how well-organized and stunning graphics can allow for comparisons between projects; and a manifesto for promoting humane high-density living." Not only do the authors draw each project, they analyze the political and socio-economic advantages and liabilities.
Dattner Architects' design for Camba Gardens II has been profiled in the Wall Street Journal and Curbed. 293 affordable and supportive housing units will occupy the site of the former psych ward at Kings County Hospital Center. The new building will join Camba Gardens I, which opened in October 2013. The 257,000 square foot building will be sustainable and include a number of amenities. Camba Gardens II will open in 2016.
The New York Times' article "With Special Clinics, Hospitals Vie for Hesitant Patients: Men" features the Iris Cantor Men's Health Center we designed at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell. Cited a part of a growing trend, the Iris Cantor Men's Health Center focuses on two key related outpatient practices: Urology and Internal Medicine. 
We are pleased to have been included in this year's Moscow Architecture Biennale! Via Verde was included in the curatorial projects exhibition "New York: Grid City." The five day extravaganza closed on May 25.
John Woelfling AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Principal will present our work on Prospect Plaza at the Forum + Institute for Urban Design on May 29. The roundtable on Urban Design, Planning & Preservation will explore the theme "Restoring and Rebuilding NYCHA." John will present Dattner Achitects' vision for the site and discuss how the project strategies could be replicated. The multi-phase Prospect Plaza will provide over 350 units of NYCHA and low-income housing.
Coney Island Commons has won the 2014 Building Brooklyn Award for Community Development. Each year the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce and its Real Estate & Development Committee recognize recently completed projects and people that enrich Brooklyn’s neighborhoods and economy. and its Real Estate & Development Committee present Building Brooklyn Awards™, an annual event that recognizes recently completed new and renovation construction projects that enrich Brooklyn’s neighborhoods and economy. Building Brooklyn Awards (BBA) also honors individuals who have made significant contributions toward enhancing the business conditions and economic climate of Brooklyn. - See more at: http://nas/content/live/
The New York State Association for Affordable Housing (NYSAFAH) will host its annual New York City Conference on May 13 - 14. Principal William Stein FAIA will join the panel "Accessibility - Fair Housing / New York City Building Code / UFAS" at 2PM on Tuesday May 13, 2014. Peter Stratton of Steven Winter Associates, Mark Zimet of Dunn Development, and John Gearrity from NYC HPD will join the session moderated by Mark Ginsberg, FAIA, LEED AP.
The White Plains Housing Authority and Jonathan Rose Companies celebrated the groundbreaking of the first building of the Brookfield Commons development, The Prelude. Located in downtown White Plains, the Dattner Architects-designed Prelude is the first phase of the long-term neighborhood-wide transformation and comprehensive revitalization of the White Plains Housing Authority's Winbrook campus. The 450-unit campus is typical of 1940s era public housing and faces the challenges posed by aging housing stock. The Prelude includes 104 affordable housing units and a community facility that provides onsite support services and programs to promote the economic empowerment, self-sufficiency and financial independence of the community. It is a model project for the redevelopment of a housing authority campus, and is particularly important for the City of White Plains and Westchester County, as it presents a mixed-use and mixed-income community in an area where many have found it challenging to develop quality affordable housing.
Via Verde has been included in the March-April issue of Architectural Design. While focusing on aging populations, the issue addresses larger issues of the design of housing and other built provisions to accommodate an ever-expanding aging population, creating sustainable cities for the changing profile of the population, reducing models of dependency for care and transport while creating opportunities for recreation, leisure and work.

Urgent Care!

Congratulations to our team on the ribbon cutting of the new state-of-the-art Urgent Care Center at Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center. The facility, funded by a HEAL grant from the New York State, is expected to treat 18,000 to 20,000 patients annually for non-emergency medical needs, such as flu and cold, chest or muscle pain, infection or broken bones. Our design for the 8,500 sf facility includes 12 exam rooms, radiology, and a pharmacy.  
New York Times’ reporter David W. Dunlap visited the neighborhood branch in advance of its opening and recaps its history. Washington Heights Library at 1000 St. Nicholas Avenue and West 160th Street reopens March 3rd after a four-year renovation that makes the building accessible (including a newly inserted elevator), updates building systems, incorporates technology in a fresh, modern setting.  New York Public Library is celebrating re-opening day with free programming from 11 a.m. - 7 pm.
Expectations for Communications are growing annually within AEC firms. In addition to more traditional marketing communications such as newsletters, communications increasingly includes media relations, social media, blogs, and internal communications. However, blogs, tweets, posts, and pitches must be content-driven and tailored to the intended audience. How is the best way to manage this for your firm? How do you have time to do it?  What can or should you outsource? Join our own Kirsten Sibilia and three other distinguished panelists for a conversation on May 1 at this year's SMPS ÜBER Conference in Atlantic City, NJ. These industry leaders bring a variety of perspectives: an in-house Communications Director leads a dedicated team for a mid-size firm with an international practice; a Marketing Principal of a small firm who juggles doing business development, marketing, and communications with a small team; a Communications Consultant who works with small, medium and large firms who outsource their needs; and the Editor of a leading design magazine who is on the receiving end of our pitches and tweets – and also generating his own.
Boston Society of Architects honored two of our projects in their Education Awards program. The New Settlement Community Campus, a joint project with ESKW/Architects, and the Princeton University Cordish Family Pavilion. These were recognized with citations at the annual gala, at which Via Verde, designed with Grimshaw, was honored with a John M. Clancy Award for Socially Responsible Housing. [caption id="attachment_4263" align="alignnone" width="560"] New Settlement Community Campus[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4264" align="alignnone" width="560"] Cordish Family Pavilion at Lenz Tennis Center, Princeton University[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4265" align="alignnone" width="560"] Via Verde - The Green Way[/caption]  
The Department of Design + Construction Excellence (D+CE) program has facilitated innovative architecture and infrastructure throughout the city. To honor the legacy of the program as initiated by Mayor Bloomberg and administrated by David Burney, ORO Editions has published We Build The City. The volume, on display in reception, showcases a collection of some the most notable public projects developed and built under the acclaimed D+CE program. The publication includes detailed drawings and striking imagery that reveal the complex processes that have shaped one of the most active and successful design periods in NYC’s history, including Dattner Architects projects: Wave Hill House Renovation, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manhattan Districts 1/2/5 Garage and Salt Shed, Bronx Library Center, and the New York City Center Restoration.
We are pleased to announce that David Levine AIA, LEED AP and Joon Cho AIA have been appointed as Associates. Kristin Nelson AIA and Sara Agrest AIA, IIDA, LEED AP have been promoted to Senior Associate, and Jing Xiang has been promoted to Controller. We thank these individuals for their demonstrated project leadership, commitment to our high standards of design and technical quality, and contributions to culture of Dattner Architects.  
The Compass Residences of the West Farms Development broke ground today after seven years of planning, rezoning and designing! As noted in Crain's, the rezoning was the largest private rezoning in the history of the Bronx. The first two buildings will add 237 units of affordable housing, new public spaces connecting Boone Avenue and West Farms. A total of ten buildings and 1,300 units of mixed-income housing are planned.
Susan Szenasy, editor of Metropolis, visited Via Verde during the Rudy Bruner Award ceremony and leads the January issue by citing in her opening column, titled "It Does Take a Village," the value of collaborative relationships in overcoming the odds in getting "anything worthwhile done." [caption id="attachment_4275" align="alignnone" width="560"] Via Verde - The Green Way[/caption] As a prelude to the issue's focus on game changers she mentions Jonathan Rose in particular for his involvement with Via Verde, among other projects including EyeBAM. Ian Volner's Game Changers 2014 exposé "Jonathan F.P. Rose" recounts Rose's early years and his role on Via Verde and the forthcoming EyeBAM project in Brooklyn. [caption id="attachment_4276" align="alignnone" width="560"] Brooklyn Cultural District: Apartments (formerly EyeBAM)[/caption] Of the projects' process and Via Verde in particular, Szenasy states, "Such joy can come only from overcoming odds, accomplishing something of value, being part of a larger community. The memorable design has come to symbolize all their efforts; its enduring mark is certain to be felt for generations to come."
2012DS29 New Settlement Community Campus, Edelman Sultan Knox Wood Architets with Dattner Architects, Bronx NY



Ride the 7

After five years of construction, Mayor Bloomberg inaugurated the newest stretch of the Number 7 Subway Extension, running from Times Square to 10th Avenue and West 34th Street. The subway was a priority transit goal and will join Hell's Kitchen and the Hudson Yards to midtown. Although the extension will not open to the public until mid-2014, the mayor rode the 7 on Friday, December 20 as part of operations testing. Read the report in Crain's and see the even on the MTA's Flick site.
On Thursday, November 7 at Colonia, New Jersey, Kirsten Sibilia Assoc. AIA, LEED AP will join the New Jersey chapter of Professional Women in Construction at the "Meet the Architects & Engineers" meeting. Kirsten will present the firm's work on the replacement of the PATH Harrison station, a project instrumental in the growth of Harrison, NJ.
Another successful build! Our CANstruction Team built their design entry “CANyon: Stop Hunger Like You Give A Dam” on Halloween eve. Our team members spent the last couple of months designing the sculpture and one night building it. The exhibit is on view until November 13th at Brookfield Place, World Financial Center at 220 Vesey Street, NY, NY 10080. Our sculpture is located at the 200 Vesey Street Lobby. Got one minute? Go see it, as well as the numerous other participants' sculptures. The Winter Garden is open 10 am to 6 pm daily and all cans will be donated to City Harvest.
The Society for Marketing Professional Services annual professional development symposium, "THE Marketing Event" happens on Friday, November 8. This year’s conference, “Maximizing Value,” focuses on plans that target marketing, business development, and leadership efforts. Principal Kirsten Sibilia Assoc. AIA, LEED AP will moderate Session 3.2, "Generation Matters: Leading from Where You Are".  Head over to the CUNY Graduate Center at 365 Fifth Avenue for a day of professional development and networking!
The 11th Annual Open House New York happens the weekend of October 12 & 13, 2013. We're raring to go with three of our projects opening their doors. Bronx Library Center, Wave Hill House, and Via Verde will be open at various times during the weekend. Bronx Library Center is open to the public year round with tours provided this weekend. Wave Hill House and Via Verde will be accessible by reservation only. Check out the links for more info and the Open House New York website for info about the weekend. Enjoy!
The annual Archtober Subway exhibition by the American Institute of Architects New York Chapter opens October 7 and runs to November 3, 2013. This year Dattner Architects was pleased to contribute images from New Settlement Community Campus and Wave Hill House. The exhibition is on view at the W. 4th Street subway station.
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